(1) We have learned that purchasing a home in sunny California is perhaps the most maddening experience one can undergo. That being said, we do love our new home and we trust the Lord that we might actually get to move into it one of these days. They have completed everything...the counter tops are beautiful. Gustav picked them out...a fact of which he is most proud. The wood floors are great and the new appliances... Well, what can I say? I am in love! Here are some pics of the inside of the house (these were taken before the appliances were put in):
So, here in CA closing on a home is a multiple-day adventure. We had the walk-through on Wednesday afternoon, and were supposed to sign all of the closing documents that afternoon. Unfortunately, the bank had not finished putting the documents together. So it didn't happen on Wednesday. And so far today we have still not heard. Needless to say, we have called off all those who volunteered to help move us on Saturday. The truck will have to be rescheduled. USPS will have to be contacted...we'll have to change the change of address. Oh yeah, and maybe I'll have to call the electric company, etc. We have the added issue of our lease being up on Monday.
But we serve a mighty God and nothing is impossible with Him!
(2) So many of you have asked about my novel-writing experience. Here's the scoop: I didn't finish. I got about 9,500 words into it and realized that I had become crazed evil-Mommy. Every interruption (of which there were scads) irritated me to no end. I realized that novel-writing is for the childless, or at least those who are ridiculously good at ignoring everything going on around them. And obviously I fit into neither category! So...it will keep.
(3) Lillian was named Clubber of the Month at AWANA for the month of February. That was exciting and such an honor for her. Here she is getting her award on the left. She is posing with my dear sweet friend Suzanne (and her Sparks leader) in the other pic. We have all been so blessed by our amazing church family here. The AWANA program is just phenomenal.
(4) I am continuing to work hard on eating better and exercising faithfully. I am down 9lbs. in the past 3 weeks! Let me just say, Sparkpeople.com is AWESOME! If you have tried to change to a healthier lifestyle and failed in the past (as we all have at one time or another) check them out. The helps and articles and other members are so helpful and encouraging.
(5) The kids continue to grow like weeds. For the first time in my parenting adventure, I am having trouble making sure their is enough food at every meal! They are eating me out of house and home! (Esp. the older 2!) I recently bought Nicholas some new church shoes and he was a 5 1/2!! No wonder he was complaining...his old shoes were 3's!! Woops.
(6) Gabriel and Kurt are becoming buddies. Here they are playing Legos together:
They are actually the perfect team: Gabriel loves constructing. Kurt loves de-constructing.
Here is Gabriel spoon-feeding Kurt his morning coffee. I told you they were buddies. Yeah, I thought you'd all like that.
I am going to end with a little humor. Needless to say, it's been a stressful week. So, here are 10- reasons why the Hoyers need to move into their new house:
(10) I packed the pencil sharpener, and my obsessed weapon-drawing 10-year-old is never going to forgive me.
(9) If I keep purging, there will be nothing left to move.
(8) I canceled school and packed up all the books. (A fact which delights the under 11 crowd and distresses the over 30 crowd.)
(7) The next time Kurt is missing, we may find him flattened under a pile of boxes.
(6) I packed all of the books Gretchen has read, re-read, and re-re-read, and she will go mad without something to read very soon.
(5) We are hosting 4 people for the Shepherd's Conference in our new home beginning March 4th. That is only 12 days away.
(4) The Post Office is going to think I am schizophrenic if I keep changing my address.
(3) I have things I want to order online but can't, because I don't know which address to ship to.
(2) My refrigerator will be in my KITCHEN!!! (For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about...don't ask.)
And the NUMBER ONE reason the Hoyers need to move:
My new house has a dishwasher. 'Nuff said!
Have a great Friday everyone!