The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!
Henry Ward Beecher
(79) "I need to whisper in your ear, Mama."
(80) New big girl haircuts.
(80) New big girl haircuts.
(82) Kraft goodness in the blue box.
(83) A gracious and very kind flight attendant.
(84) Toddlers playing nicely together!
(85) The kindness of the Noble family - dear, dear friends.
(86) The opportunity to worship with old family.
(87) God's faithfulness in sustaining, and growing, Grace Church West Hartford. There really are no words to adequately describe our joy to return and celebrate with these amazing people.
(88) New friends.
(89) Fire pit - for big men and little men alike.
(90) Reuniting with old friends.
(91) The refreshing cold of New England (it was 9 degrees when we landed!)
(92) Ginza.
(93) Special times with Nana.
(94) Getting together with great high school friends - and feeling like we were 18 again.
(95) My bed.
(96) Kim's home-made doughnuts.
Looks like you guys had a great time– so sad we missed it!
Your pictures are gorgeous! I love the one of the roses and the big girl haircuts. My daughter always loves to have a fresh trim and style!
Dude!! You made me weep with these!! As much as you continue to thank us--it was our pleasure to have you--so the thanks goes both ways. Love you, love your God, love your family, love your blog--just simply (agape) love you, dear Sister!
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