When she first received her new Bible, the name was wrong...it said Lillian Douglas. Lillian had not told her teachers of the mistake, and had put a sticker over the incorrect last name. I tried to convince her to tell them...assuring her that they would correct the mistake. Lillian broke down and downright refused to give up the Bible. She had worked so hard for this...she didn't even care that the name was wrong. She just wanted that Bible.
Well, her wonderful teachers let her keep that one, and ordered a new one with the correct last name. When the new one came in, Lillian gave the old one away to a little girl in her class who didn't have a Bible.
So, here's to loving the Word of God! Here's to refusing to give it up, no matter what! It is my earnest prayer that all of my children would cling to the Word...as Lillian clung to the Book with her name on it - in GOLD!
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