The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. Psalm 16:6

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

You know it'll be an interesting day when...

It's 9AM. You're still in your jammies. You get yourself a nice warm cup of coffee...the last in the pot... as you sit to nurse the baby. After nursing said baby, you get up to change his diaper. While away, the bad, bad beagle drinks your coffee. Every. Last. Sip.

Doesn't he look guilty?


Suzanne DeShong said...

Oh Nancy, that IS a bad morning....I hope the rest of the day went better! I love reading your posts! They are so funny, I just laugh out loud! You and I really must be alike!

Anonymous said...

'for coffee' should be his middle name.

Nancy said...

tee-hee! It took my sleep-deprived brain a minute to get that. I love it!! Thanks, Carol!
