Happy Birthday, Nicholas!On Monday, our eldest offspring hit double digits! What an amazing thing! There are days I don't feel old enough to even have children, never mind FIVE children, never mind one child that is TEN!! It's great to be deluded.
We spent a very, very enjoyable day at Sea World in San Diego. Nicholas got to direct us to all the things he wanted to see. The dolphin show was particularly fun and Nicholas chose to sit in the "soak zone" during the Shamu 'Believe' show...while the rest of us sat safe and dry in row 17! His big disappointment...he didn't actually get soaked! Mom and Dad got him a new computer which will actually play all of the mystery games he's fallen in love with. He's loving some of the Sherlock Holmes stories adapted into computer games. He also recently spent some of his birthday money from Nana and Grampa and bought some Sherlock Holmes stories to read.
One of the ridiculously exciting perks of turning ten in our house is the right to stay up later than everyone else. So, Nicholas beamed from ear to ear last night as he stayed up with Mom and Dad (and Kurt!) until 9:45PM! Of course, there was wailing and gnashing of teeth in the younger female offspring....MUCH wailing, and copious quantities of gnashing! Ah, the tortured life of the middle child...ask me how I know!
What a blessing it is to see Nicholas maturing into a thoughtful young man. How nice it is to see some of the rashness and recklessness replaced by thoughtfulness and self-control. He still has his moments, but that seed of manhood is beginning to be visible if you look long and hard enough...and are patient enough.
What a blessing Nicholas is in our lives. We praise God for him every day! Happy birthday, buddy! Welcome to the double digits!