I pray for my sweet girl, that the Lord would speak to her heart this weekend. I pray that she would know Him. And I pray that she would be safe and protected by Him while she is away.
And yes, there is that part of me that hopes she will miss us. At least a little.
So, "the Shoe" is so very quiet. ("The Shoe" is the nickname of our home. Gustav thought it up...think "There was an Old Woman..." I thought it was brilliant!!) Currently, I have 2 of the three left napping away. It is so, so very quiet. So, I've been doing a little Christmas shopping online. A little laundry. A little school planning. A little sorting through outgrown clothes.
And a little reflecting on how in the world my children got to be so big.
Oh, and a little wishing they were here.
And we will pray for her, too :)
It is late and my five are settled in bed and I am blog hopping and found your beautiful blog. Isn't it amazing how the chemistry changes with just one gone?! Great Blog!
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