So, Gustav hit the jackpot this year. I LOVE my present!
Here's another adorable picture of my nephew, Thomas. Do you like the quilt I made him? I finished it the night before we left was down to the wire! I thought that polka-dot fabric was awesome, and so "un-quilt like." I felt like making an outside-the-box quilt this time. I like the idea of making my girls some sun dresses out of that fabric. I think they would be so chic!
In other news...
The baby Jesus has been found! I'll bet you didn't know he was missing, but yes, our family has been without the baby Jesus in our nativity for 2 Christmases. I just could not find Him and it was so sad/irritating/infuriating! I found Him, wrapped in a bit of scrap paper at the bottom of one of the Christmas decoration boxes in the garage. And I thought... how so like real life. The baby Jesus, thrown into the bottom of the box in a scrap of paper. Brushed aside. Forgotten.
All of the bells and bobbles, wreaths and snowflakes, Santas and reindeer make it out. The trees erected. The lights illumined. But Jesus never makes it into the celebration. The One who is sung about in those songs that everyone knows: "Glory to the newborn King!" "Holy infant so tender and mild." "Joy to the world, the Lord is come, Let Earth receive her King!" Somehow, the tunes and words are remembered, but the Lord of Whom they speak is forgotten...a mere trifle of the season. An old-fashioned and sentimental wisp.
There was nothing sentimental or trifling that first Christmas, when the shepherds saw the terrifying angels in the sky:
May we all be filled with the same terrifying awe that those shepherds felt that first Christmas. May that little Jesus in the nativity be a reminder to us that God Himself came to earth, a humble and helpless baby, but grew into a sinless and powerful man who would lay down His life willingly that those who believe in Him would be saved from certain damnation. May we be those "with whom He is pleased."
For Jesus was actually never lost.
We were.
The baby Jesus has been found! I'll bet you didn't know he was missing, but yes, our family has been without the baby Jesus in our nativity for 2 Christmases. I just could not find Him and it was so sad/irritating/infuriating! I found Him, wrapped in a bit of scrap paper at the bottom of one of the Christmas decoration boxes in the garage. And I thought... how so like real life. The baby Jesus, thrown into the bottom of the box in a scrap of paper. Brushed aside. Forgotten.
All of the bells and bobbles, wreaths and snowflakes, Santas and reindeer make it out. The trees erected. The lights illumined. But Jesus never makes it into the celebration. The One who is sung about in those songs that everyone knows: "Glory to the newborn King!" "Holy infant so tender and mild." "Joy to the world, the Lord is come, Let Earth receive her King!" Somehow, the tunes and words are remembered, but the Lord of Whom they speak is forgotten...a mere trifle of the season. An old-fashioned and sentimental wisp.
There was nothing sentimental or trifling that first Christmas, when the shepherds saw the terrifying angels in the sky:
"And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were terribly frightened. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Chris the Lord. This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger." And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased."
May we all be filled with the same terrifying awe that those shepherds felt that first Christmas. May that little Jesus in the nativity be a reminder to us that God Himself came to earth, a humble and helpless baby, but grew into a sinless and powerful man who would lay down His life willingly that those who believe in Him would be saved from certain damnation. May we be those "with whom He is pleased."
For Jesus was actually never lost.
We were.
1 comment:
I just had to laugh when reading your blog, as we just finished Panini for dinner over here! Suzanne gave me a Panini maker for my b-day last year, and I love it! Tonite we had pastrami and provolone on sourdough. You need to try Nutella on Sourdough...
did you know Panini was for breakfast?
I love the baby Jesus story (that He is back), and you used it in the most perfect analogy.
I really enjoy your blog and friendship.
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