I have been reminded frequently, however, of my gratitude journal. Praise the Lord that He is good all the time, and never ceases to bless us innumerably every day, from the simple to the magnificent. Here are a few praises I snatched out of our simple days:
(6) Simple hats that bring big (sticky) smiles.
(7) Visits from old home-town friends.
(8) And the gifts they bear. (If only one could smell through the screen!)
(9) Victory! Kurt wins his 1st ever battle against Nutella!
Our three big children have a time of personal Bible reading every morning after breakfast. Well, this morning my little boy-man Gabriel, nicknamed Sparkles because of his sunny disposition, asked if he could do his Bible reading next to me while I was answering email. He then proceeded to "read" from his Bible:
"God created everything in the universe. He made the first two people and they were very good until sin poured into the world. Then they had to go away from God."
I loved it. And he was so proud.
He's gotten to be so funny with his speech. The other day during a phonics lesson he said, "I know, that's a 'b', and that must be a caffeinated 'B'!"
Of course, he meant 'capitalized.'
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- from too far away!
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