The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. Psalm 16:6

Monday, July 27, 2009

Multitude Monday

holy experience

Gratitude to Ann over at Holy Experience for reminding me to keep my eyes open to His goodness, and to soak myself in thankfulness.


(35) Stunning blooms and busy bees.

(36) The promise of banana bread.

(37) A box full of local organic produce. God's provision.

(38) The twitter of my birdie friends at the feeder. I am always startled by how pleasing I find that sound.

(39) Brothers.

(40) Friends + water + really big balls = FUN.

(41) Pretty cupcakes.

(42) Young ladies playing shower games. A Mom catching her breath that one day all too soon this will be real.

(43) My beloved reaching for my hand during Sunday's message.


Linda said...

I am here from Ann's. What a lovely list. It is so encouraging to read about the way the Father is working in the lives of others.

Ariana Sullivan said...

Mmm, fresh organic produce. There's nothing better.

She's a beautiful young lady :)

Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience said...

Look at the color of God in your life! My! Oh Lord... we bow low.

And smiles and hands held... you are rich, rich, rich.

Doesn't His grace take your breath away?

Thank you, friend, thank you... for giving me eyes too.

All's grace,