"O that my every breath might be ecstatic praise, my every step buoyant with delight..."
from The Valley of Vision
from The Valley of Vision
I am learning how differently the world looks through eyes of praise. The Father of lights gives such good gifts, O that I would always have the eyes to see...
(66) That first break of light after the rain - dazzling!

(67) a silver wisp of moon
(68) "A rainbow! A rainbow!"

(69) mist in the mountains
(70) little boys and puddles and the necessary convergence of the two
(71) early morning phone calls from friends in different time zones :-)
(72) loving away the tears
(73) snow capped peaks
(74) tender toddler caresses
(75) "derfday" parties

(76) afternoon light through the shades

(77) 13 years of one flesh

(78) the creativity of the Creator

(67) a silver wisp of moon
(68) "A rainbow! A rainbow!"
(69) mist in the mountains
(70) little boys and puddles and the necessary convergence of the two
(71) early morning phone calls from friends in different time zones :-)
(72) loving away the tears
(73) snow capped peaks
(74) tender toddler caresses
(75) "derfday" parties
(76) afternoon light through the shades
(77) 13 years of one flesh
(78) the creativity of the Creator
So lovely ~ your list is beautiful! I love the sunset picture you captured...God is an Amazing Creator ~ we are blessed!
Just hopped over from Ann's blog...nice to "meet" you!
Beautiful pictures. "I am learning how differently the world looks through eyes of praise." - that's a GREAT way to put it
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a kind comment. Lovely pictures...so many inspirational women in this gratitude community!
I love "derfday" parties! Great list!
Beautiful photos...beautiful blessings!
I love your list too! I really love the pictures to go with it! You make California look appealing! I love to see God all around us!!
I'm so enjoying going through your blog...and may I say, you are a beautiful lady! My hubby and I will celebrate 13 years in July...5arrows (1 with Jesus, 4 in our arms). We homeschool in North Texas. So glad to be in this beautiful Gratitude Community with you.
Bless you,
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