The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. Psalm 16:6
The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. Psalm 16:6
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
He's Here!!!!
Here are his stats:
Kurt Louis
5:40PM PST
7lbs. 15oz. 20.5 in.
We came home from the hospital yesterday afternoon. Our first night home was a bit rocky, but we're sure he'll figure it out soon :-)
He is currently being aggressively loved by all of his siblings!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
T minus one day...
The girls helped me pack my hospital bag last night, while Gustav and Nicholas did the grocery shopping for me. I have such a wonderful family!
I covet your prayers over these next few days. My parents are in the air as we "speak," flying out for a two week visit. I pray that this baby would be born quickly, without complication. I pray that Gustav would have the opportunity to rest a bit, as he has been working very hard over the past couple of weeks. Ah, the life of a contract worker...if he doesn't work, he doesn't get paid! I pray that the children would be a blessing to my parents: cheerful, helpful, and obedient. I pray, lastly, that I would be calm, patient, and strong when I need to be. God is good, and I acknowledge that He is sovereign over all things! Next time I post an entry it will, God-willing, be with news of the newest little human blessing in our lives. Praise God!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
What's in a Name?
Of course, we find ourselves in SoCal, where it really is 75 and sunny probably 300 days a year! But, it also describes my life pretty well. I'll share with you one of my favorite pieces of Scripture:
O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You maintain my lot. The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Yes, I have a good inheritance.
Psalm 16:5-6
Despite an occasional cold, windy day... or even week, I trust that the Lord has good things in store for me (Romans 8:28.) I know the boundary lines have fallen to me in pleasant places. I know that He remains faithful, even when I do not. I know that my life is in His hands, and boy, is that a comfort!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Our Little House
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Growing Up...
Yet I always have a pang of sadness, holding that little tooth in my hand, remembering the tears and sleepless nights which brought it in the first place. I have a confession to make: I have never thrown away any of my children's lost teeth. I have a little baggie in the drawer next to my bed, which contains every tooth lost by a H. child. I don't know why. I am not a pack rat...even donated my wedding dress! But I just can't part with those little teeth!
Lillian has lost 3 teeth in the past month and has another currently dangling. She is so proud. She now reads chapter books and has lost almost as many teeth as Gretchen. Ahhh, growing up! It's so wonderful. And so sad.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Here we are!
Stay tuned during the next couple of weeks for the newest arrival announcement...due to join our family soon! This baby is affectionately known as our "tie-breaking surprise!" We have exhibited extreme self-control (OK, "I" have exhibited extreme self-control) and not found out baby's gender this time. Gustav was perfectly happy to be surprised.
I am calling school today on account of Mommy feeling miserable...I woke up this morning singing bass and coughing continuously. So, the kiddos are tucked in watching Toy Story 2 (which arrived, praise God, from Netflix in the mail about an hour ago!)
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