A rare sight...a picture with me in it!! This picture was from our trip to Sea World. Kurt loves his Peanut Shell sling and so do I. It makes Sunday mornings possible for me, as I walk around Grace Community Church's monstrous campus, depositing children upstairs and down, going to Sunday school on the 3rd floor and visiting the nursing lounge! I highly recommend this sling for anyone expecting out there (Kim!!)
I put Kurt in the church nursery for the first time this past Sunday. Of course, I dropped him off 15 minutes into the second hour, and retrieved him 1 hour later, but I actually left him there! It was the first time I left him with someone other than family. I had to choke back tears as I walked away...it certainly doesn't get easier the more children you have! Kurt has also officially outgrown some of his adorable little outfits. He's growing like a weed. How dare he!
We are Daddy-less right now, as Gustav is in NYC, living the New York lifestyle for a few days. He received a "meet-the-composer" grant for a piece of music he wrote for a small vocal group there. So he gets to go and speak about his music and answer any questions the audience members have. I am a tad envious of him, getting to be on the East Coast again! But, as you all know, it costs a lot of money to fly when you are a family of seven!
I am going batty putting our curriculum together for next year. It gets more difficult as the children get older. Can you all believe that Gabriel will be a 4-year-old preschooler next year! YIKES! I am trying to take the children's interests and desires into consideration more than I have in the past. Nicholas is dying to do a geography course, and the girls want to learn how to cook. I am going to try and incorporate those things into next year's schedule.
OK, this was a boring post, but I wanted to give you all an update. I was only interrupted about 12 times while typing this! I told Gretchen that I don't remember what the Latin verb 'to ask' is, scolded the dog for barking while the baby is sleeping (like he cares), bought 2 books that Gabriel "wrote" with the pretend money I always have in my pocket, listened to Lillian persuade me to let her pass her German lesson with an '89,' even though I require a '90,' tore pieces of paper out of the large pad, and answered 'I don't know yet' 2 or 3 times to Nicholas' repeated question, "What's for lunch?" Ha!
Stay tuned for "All About Gabriel!" in the next day or two, as well as some more interesting writing from me. If only I could type and nurse the baby at 5AM...that's when I think of all kinds of interesting things to blog about. Unfortunately, they are long since forgotten when I get to the computer a few hours later!
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