The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. Psalm 16:6

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Half a Year

Somehow, I have no idea how, half a year has gone by since the Lord gave us Kurt. It's magically, horrifyingly amazing. He is six months old today, and has been such a blessing to our not so little family.

There isn't a day goes by that the older children don't exclaim, time and again, how cute and wonderful he is. How much they love him. There isn't a day goes by where Gustav doesn't remark how awesome he is. And there isn't a day goes by where I don't think quietly to myself...I don't deserve him. How I don't deserve any of the five wonderfully precious children the Lord has granted to me.

There is nothing like children to keep you so many ways. They are always the first ones to see me fail in my walk with the Lord. Always the first to endure the irritated tone of voice, the angry retort, the giving in to sin. They are always the first to see me weak and selfish. They are always the first to see me asking forgiveness through tears, broken, undeserving.

And next to my Father in heaven, they are always first to forgive. To turn the other cheek. To love Mommy because she's Mommy, not because she's a GOOD Mommy. To try and make me feel better. To demonstrate their love in so many little, and wonderful, ways.

Thank you, dear Father, for the blessings we don't deserve. Especially for the pink cheeked, boisterous, loving, cuddling, breathing variety that call me Mommy. You are so good.

Happy half-birthday, Kurtie.

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