The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. Psalm 16:6

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


So, we were coming home after seeing "the movie which must not be named" today and saw this as we drove into the driveway. Our first brush with a brush fire...very close to our house! It actually looked worse than this, but I wanted to get a closer look, so we drove around for a while. By the time we got home, it was almost out. I must admit, I did get a little nervous.

By the way, the movie was very good :-)

Have a wonderful, brush fire-free day, everyone!

1 comment:

Suzanne DeShong said...

Ah, yes, the smell of BBQ outside. I'm sure you'll have the wonderful blessing of an ash covered car tomorrow! The joys of the California heat wave!!! What happened to 75 and sunny????