The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. Psalm 16:6

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Travels to Atlanta

My parents celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary on June 25th. In this world, with so little emphasis placed on the commitment of marriage, such a milestone is definitely worthy of much celebration. And so, my Mom and Dad, brother Mike and his girlfriend Kristen, and Kurt and I traveled to Atlanta, GA to my sister Beth's house. It had been years since all of us were together in the same place, and we really enjoyed the sweet time spent together.

Here my Mom and Dad are holding their gift from us...a one-of-a-kind Main Street, with many, many memories from growing up within the picture. The date of their wedding, our names and birth dates, the sports we played in high school, the car we learned to drive on, our colleges, favorite restaurants, family pets, and all their grandchildren. It was the perfect gift! Kudos to Beth for finding such a thing.

That's my sweet and beautiful niece, Meghan, holding Kurt above. It was so fun to spend time with her, as well, and she just loved Baby Kurtain (as she calls him!)

I won't go into detail about my travel experience there and back. Suffice it to say, it was miserable. Delays, missed flights, long hours in Dallas' airport. (I almost called you, Carol!!) But, despite all of the headache getting there and getting home, it was so worth it to celebrate with all of my family. I would do it again in a heartbeat.

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